Management- The Third Eye

Here is an assignment given to me some 3 days ago when I was asked to write on a topic called Mangement-The Third Eye. Today was the deadline for submission. Submitted.

‘Management- The Third Eye’

Eyes help us collect maximum information about our surroundings. The way in which this particular sense organ helps us in sensing the surroundings resembles basic management postulates.

In management, the first eye is about the very reason of existence of an organisation, the second eye is the structure and systems that makes an organisation and the third eye is the dynamism that integrates every element into an organisational whole.  This  dynamism  calls  for  managing various elements through leadership, the third eye.

The third eye holds a special significance. The third eye signifies the ability to see the potential. Rightly referred to as eye of insight, third eye is must for leader
The ability to gain deep and valuable insights are a pre-requisite of being a leader. While others may only see things on surface, a leader has a knack to see even the things which are not readily available for eyes. This is what being insightful is all about; the essence of leadership. Leadership encompasses management and integration of various processes and systems that help organisation reach a common goal.

A leader is expected to use the insights gained in best possible way by coupling it with the KSA set (knowledge, skills and abilities) available in a given situation. Situations- which are ineludibly composed of fixed and variable factors-need to be understood in stark clarity by the leader; for be it persons, be it situations- a leader is expected to exemplify and lead by example. Among other, the most important yardstick of good leadership is the patronage it provides to the followers which require fine balance between the extremes of psycho-behavioral applications on one hand to socio-cultural on other.

As a quote by John.C.Maxwell reads, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”-there still are wider horizons awaiting to be seen through the third eye of leadership. Reason- the concept of third eye not only finds brilliant application in management but also has immense potential to create a culture of deeper and meaningful understanding of each other as humans.

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